How to Register as a Delegate

How to Register as a Delegate

Registering as a delegate is virtually identical to registering as any of the other healthcare professional roles. The user would select one of the delegate roles (e.g. Prescriber Delegate – Unlicensed or Pharmacist Delegate – Unlicensed) and enter any required information on the demographics screen.
  • The final section of the demographics screen requires the delegate to enter their supervisor’s email address.
  • The supervisor must already have a registered account with the PMP AWARXE.

Delegates may enter more than one supervisor. When adding a supervisor, a delegate will want to ensure that they enter the supervisor’s email address correctly and that they are using a valid email address.

  1. To request a new account in PMP AWARXE, the user must navigate to the login screen located at
  2. Once at the login screen, the user must click “Create an account”.
  3. The first screen displayed requires the user to enter their current, valid email address and select a password. The password must be entered a second time for validation.

The password must contain at least 8 characters, including 1 capital letter and 1 special character (such as !,@,#,$).

  1. To request a new account in PMP AWARXE, the user must navigate to the login screen located at
  2. Once at the login screen, the user must click “Create an account”.
  3.  The first screen displayed requires the user to enter their current, valid email address and select a password. The password must be entered a second time for validation. (The password must contain at least 8 characters, including 1 capital letter and 1 special character (such as !,@,#,$).
  4. After the email and desired password have been entered, the user clicks the button labeled “Register”.
  5. A message is temporarily displayed to the user stating that an email has been sent to their email address for verification. (User must verify email address before account can be approved).
  6. The role selection screen is now displayed. When registering as a delegate, the user can select the role titled “Delegate” found within the Healthcare Professional section.
  7. After the role has been selected, the user clicks the button labeled (Update Roles and continue).
  8. The last screen displayed is the demographics screen. Here the user must enter their name, date of birth, employer information, and other information as configured by the PMP Administrator.
  9. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
  10. The user may be able to search for their user information and employer information using search boxes for different identifiers (DEA, NCPDP, or NPI).
  11. User can select their “Supervisor” at the bottom of the demographics screen. The user must enter the email address of the supervisor they will be reporting to.- The user can enter more than one supervisor.
    – The supervisor must be a registered user of PMP AWARXE.
  12. After all information has been submitted, the user clicks the button labeled “Submit Your Registration”.
  13. The system displays a message informing the user their request was successfully submitted but must be approved by their selected supervisor(s) before the PMP Admin can approve the account. * Remember to verify your email address using the link sent to you.