Most of us have first aid kits in our homes; stocked with adhesive bandages, gauze, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers, etc. But when it comes to our pets and injuries, are you prepared? Ready-made kits are available for purchase, but if you prefer to make your own below are a few suggestions.
What should you have in your pet first aid kit?
Contact numbers and paperwork: Veterinarian phone number, 24-hour emergency clinic, poison control hotline (24/7 ANIMAL POISON CONTROL CENTER: (855) 764-7661) copies of vaccines and any other medical records, current picture in case your pet gets lost.
Gauze, (adhesive bandages should not be used on pets) adhesive tape, veterinary approved antibiotic ointment, clean cloths, or towels.
Blunt edge scissors, to cut the gauze, or free your pet if they get entangled.
Rectal fever thermometer and petroleum jelly to lubricate the thermometer. If you are unsure how to use the thermometer, ask your veterinarian next time you are at your pet’s wellness visit.
Hydrogen peroxide 3% to induce vomiting if advised to do so.
Milk of magnesia or activated charcoal: Either help absorb poison. But always contact your vet or a poison control center before inducing vomiting or treating an animal for poison.
Leash, collar.
Eye wash to clean irritated eyes.
Syringe to administer medicines by mouth or to clean out wounds.
Cold and hot packs.
Medicines are best left out if not prescribed by your veterinarian. Always check with your veterinarian on what he might suggest should be in your pet’s first aid kit. It’s never a bad idea to be prepared. Below are additional resources.