President’s Message

Dear IVMA Members,

It’s that time of year again—time to celebrate another year since graduation! Sometimes it seems like just yesterday, and at other times, it seems like a lifetime ago. For the Class of 2024, those first steps on their career journey really were just yesterday; they are in the midst of that crucial transition from Student to Doctor. Our role as mentors and leaders in this profession is pivotal in supporting the next generation as they make this shift.

At our recent Board of Directors meeting, we reviewed and approved the comprehensive report submitted by the Outreach Task Force, focusing on enhancing our mentorship programs in Indiana. Key recommendations from this report include increasing accessibility to mentorship for new graduates and providing training and resources for mentors to ensure they are equipped with the skills necessary to guide (and recruit) early career veterinarians effectively.

In light of these recommendations, I urge each of you to consider signing up as a mentor on MentorVet ( By sharing your knowledge and experience, you can make a profound impact on the careers of emerging veterinary professionals and the overall health of our industry. MentorVet also provides online mentor training, covering fundamentals to support a successful mentorship relationship.

Additionally, we have just returned from the AVMA Annual Meeting in Austin, TX, where exciting changes in leadership took place. Dr. Sandra Faeh has begun her term as President, with Dr. Gary Marshall elected as Vice President and Dr. Michael Q. Bailey as President-Elect. Their energy was palpable throughout the conference, and we look forward to the innovations they will bring to our profession.

In our own organization, we are also preparing for upcoming elections. If you are passionate about making a difference in veterinary medicine and are interested in shaping the future of the IVMA, consider running for a position on our Board. Learn more about the opportunities available and how you can contribute at Get Involved with IVMA (

As we continue to adapt to this ever-changing field of veterinary medicine, let us remember the importance of mentorship and the significant role it plays not only in our professional growth but also in sustaining the health of our veterinary community. Together, we can build an even brighter future for veterinary medicine in Indiana.


Lindsey Hedges
IVMA President